Fee Structure For Academic Session (2022-23) * Revised Dated- 08/04/2022
Fee Structure For Academic Session (2022-23) Amended on the basis of letter no. 559/15-7-2022(20)/2020 Dated 08/04/2022
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Fee Structure For Academic Session (2022-23) Amended on the basis of letter no. 559/15-7-2022(20)/2020 Dated 08/04/2022
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FEE DETAILSNUR-III TO VVI TO VIIIIXXXIXIIREGISTRATION FEEN.AN.A100500N.A500N.AADMISSION FEEN.A100020005000N.A5000N.AEXAM FEE4005007001500150015001500ANNUAL COMPOSITE FEE12,85016,45019,40024,40027,70032,500 + Lab Fee*34,900 + Lab Fee * * Lab Fee Details (per annum) Music LabRs.1000/=Physics LabRs.1100/=Chemistry LabRs.1100/=Biology LabRs.1100/= Read More…
Fee Structure for Academic Session (2021-22) Fee Structure ( 2021-22) FEE DETAILSNUR-III TO VVI TO VIIIIXXXIXIIREGISTRATION FEEN.AN.A100500N.A500N.AADMISSION FEEN.A100020005000N.A5000N.AEXAM FEE4005007001500150015001500ANNUAL COMPOSITE FEE12,85016,45019,40024,40027,70032,500 + Lab Fee*34,900 + Lab Fee * * Lab Fee Details (per annum) Music LabRs.1000/=Physics LabRs.1100/=ChemisRead More…
The celebration of The International Yoga Day using the online platform shows that no situation can bring down the spirits of our children. This is the beginning of the “New Normal India”. Read More…
On 28th
Feb. 2020 Annual Prize Distribution Ceremony was organized in the school. In order to make this event successful, a lot of preparations were made by students and teachers. The successful students in fields of academic excellence and sports were awarded with medals and trophies in the function. The school building was decorated like a bride. The parents of the students were invited Read More…
On 11th Feb 2020 It was a beautiful morning, the sun shining brightly as the batch of 2020 showed up, dressed in their finery. The young ladies glowed in coloured saris whereas gentlemen carried themselves smartly in suits. Elegantly dressed, the outgoing students entered the school premises at 10 am and they were well received by Class 11th students. The event began with warm Read More…
Twenty two students armed with cleaning materials swept the nearby areas of Village Bilsoori The main idea of the cleaning drive was to make people aware of the need to maintain the surrounding clean. Other programmes that have been planned to celebrate the occasion are cleanliness of water bodies, parks & public monuments. Read More…